“Modern Territorial Disputes: Regional Conflicts Affecting The Globe” By Adrian P.

                 USS Theodore Roosevelt of Carrier Strike Group 9 patrols the South China Sea

In all of recorded history civilizations have rivaled each other in conquest of coveted territories. These conflicts occur for many reasons. Whether it is because of natural resources, trade interdiction, or strategic importance, these issues dominate the news today and destroy international relations and trade like a plague. There are many territorial disputes in modern times. The importance and cause of each varies.

Perhaps the most controversial territory dispute of recent times is that of the Crimean Peninsula. The Russian Federation swiftly and unexpectedly took control over Crimea in March 2014 when Pro-Russian insurgents seized the Parliament and other strategic locations on the peninsula, allowing a virtually unopposed Russian Army to march in and occupy it. Crimea was formally incorporated into the Russian Federation on March 18th, 2014. The region’s strategic positioning plays a major role in the conflict. Russia now has access to the Black Sea through the crucial port of Sevastopol. The Russian occupation was largely accepted by the people of Crimea, as the majority are ethnically Russian. The dispute landed the Russians in a lot of controversy however, and they were banned from the G8 political forum. The United States and the European Union imposed economic sanctions on Russia, in part causing the collapse of the Russian Ruble. Although Russia claims Crimea as part of its own territory, it is not recognized by many western nations and the region is still heavily disputed to this day. What gives Russia the authority to commit such an atrocity?  The Russian Government must be put in its place once more.

The crisis in Crimea is one of many global conflicts that classify as territorial disputes. These conflicts deteriorate trade relationships and create vast tension between different nations. These disputes will likely go on for decades. Examples of this include the conflict in the Falkland islands, where in 1982, Argentina used military force to seize the islands from the British. The British responded by sending a strike force to the area, and after a brief but violent war, the Falklands were back in British hands. Even today, over 30 years after the Falkland Islands War, Argentina still withholds a claim upon the sovereignty of the islands. Another long going struggle for reign over a region is the dispute between the State of Israel and Palestine over the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and the Golan Heights. This has been an endless and brutal conflict since Israel was released from British rule in the mid 20th century.  Will there ever be peace in the region?

The most worrying territorial conflict to many is the ongoing dispute in the South China Sea. The sea is home to 11 billion barrels of untapped oil, and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.  The South China Sea is considered to be international waters, and roughly one third of global maritime trade passes through it annually. Despite this, The People’s Republic of China has claimed the sea as their own territory, even going as far to artificially expand and militarize an archipelago of tiny islands in the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands. The United States however, is very content in maintaining a “freedom of navigation” through exclusive economic zones such as the South China Sea, and they retain the right to conduct military operations within the zone as suggested by UN laws. The Chinese, however, claim a good portion of the sea as their own waters, and threaten any U.S. Navy activity in the region. In response to this, the United States assigned the US 7th fleet to the region and dispatched 3 different carrier strike groups to the South China Sea. Despite its considerable size, the Chinese navy is certainly no match for the colossal US Navy. To make matters worse, the Chinese taunt the presence of the US carrier fleet with it’s own weaponry. Recently, a Chinese admiral delivered a bold threat to the US Navy in saying “We’ll see how frightened America is…” boasting a claim that China could sink not one, but two US supercarriers at once with their new DF-21D “Carrier Killer” anti-ship ballistic missiles. It is a fairly deplorable statement coming from a potential adversary that is both significantly outgunned and far outclassed by the American fleet. It is only reasonable that China cease its aggressive behavior in the region. Needless to say, Could there be war in the South China Sea? Will this confrontation light the fire for a potential world war three?
Works Cited

Pifer, Steven. “Five Years after Crimea's Illegal Annexation, the Issue Is No Closer to Resolution.” Brookings, Brookings, 18 Mar. 2019, www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2019/03/18/five-years-after-crimeas-illegal-annexation-the-issue-is-no-closer-to-resolution/.

“How Much Trade Transits the South China Sea?” ChinaPower Project, 27 Oct. 2017, chinapower.csis.org/much-trade-transits-south-china-sea/.

“Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Global Conflict Tracker.” Council on Foreign Relations, Council on Foreign Relations, 2019, www.cfr.org/interactive/global-conflict-tracker/conflict/israeli-palestinian-conflict.

CFR. “Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea | Global Conflict Tracker.” Council on Foreign Relations, Council on Foreign Relations, 2019, www.cfr.org/interactive/global-conflict-tracker/conflict/territorial-disputes-south-china-sea.


  1. Very thorough and organized. I like how you covered more than one territorial issue and left the reader thinking about what will happen in the future.

    1. Also, the alarming issue with South China seems to be lighting a match to some kind of fight. I don't know to it being as serious as to a world war, but I can definitely see it being a small war that could grow.

  2. Territorial issues seem to arise across the world everyday. I remember the news headlines back in 2014 during the conflict in Crimea with the Russian Federation. People criticized the United States for not become involved in the conflict and putting an end to it. While the U.S. placed sanctions on Russia, many were still not pleased by the outcome. Another issue like that cannot arise in the South China Sea. The imminent conflict must be executed with diligent and swift force. Territorial issues are always a major problem as they do not involve direct combat a majority of the time. However, actions such as sanctions have little effect in stopping a power hungry nation. If a country such as China wants to claim the South China Sea as their own, they must be prepared for the consequences of their actions. The sea is international waters and is one of the busiest shipping routes in the world. The United States is standing ready for any potential conflict that arise. If such conflict arises, it should be met with swift force.

  3. This was very interesting and informative on the territorial issues in Crimea with the Russian Federation and the more recent ones with the South China Sea. It is a very scary situation in the territory dispute over the South China Sea, the passage leaves you on a cliff hanger thinking about the consequences that could become of the situation in the future. It makes you ponder if a war could break out and if the U.S is ready to take on any conflict that may arise.


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